
Botox West Vancouver

At West Van Family Dental, Dr. Mahsa Oonchi has the knowledge and skills to offer cosmetic and therapeutic Botox injections. This treatment can be used to soften the lines and wrinkles of the face and neck, also to reduce muscle spasms and pain due to teeth grinding and clenching(TMJ dysfunction) and more.

To find out if you are a candidate for Botox, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Mahsa 


Why have your Dentist administer Botox?

Dentists receive extensive training understanding of the oral and facial anatomy. The area of head and neck is the primary focus of dentists, and they have a good knowledge of anatomy and function of muscles and nerves in this area, also they are experienced injecting cranial nerves in sensitive areas of the head for daily local anesthetics resulting in more comfortable injections. Dr. Mahsa received level 1, 2 and 3(advanced) training from the Pacific Training Institute for Facial Aesthetics. She also has decades of experience giving slow and gentle injections.

What’s the Difference Between Botox Cosmetic and Botox Therapeutic?

Botox Cosmetic is used for: 

  • Frown lines between eyebrows
  • Forehead lines
  • Crow feet on the sides of corner of eyes
  • Bunny lines or wrinkles on the nose
  • Dimpled chin
  • Defining the jaw line and to reduces the jowls, necklace lines, vertical bands, and width of the neck
  • Reducing gummy smile, uneven smile, mouth corner lift
  • Brow leveling, brow lift
  • Infra-orbital lines, naso-jugal groove, naso-labial fold

Botox Therapeutic is used for: 

  • Relieves head and neck muscle tensions
  • Decrease teeth grinding and bruxing
  • Reduce headaches and migraines


The purpose of Botox Therapeutic is to relax the facial muscles.

Teeth grinding, known as Bruxism, not only damages the teeth but can also cause headaches and facial pain, known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) or temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ pain).

Botox for TMJ disorder is typically recommended to be used in conjunction with other therapies such as night guards. Night guards can effectively protect teeth and fillings from damage but do not stop the habit of clenching and grinding. By injecting small doses of botulinum toxin into the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw), the muscle relaxes and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to grinding. It also helps relieve pain from tight jaws and other facial muscles that cause tension and headaches.


Along with providing so many patients relief from facial discomfort, Botox has also been related to positive outcomes for people with depression, periodontal disease, and high-stress levels. A study done in April 2009 by Dr. Micheal Lewis said that patients who turn to Botox to treat these conditions have reported back as happier than before their treatment. This is said to be because having their ability to scowl or frown decreased results in a more positive mood (it appears our facial expressions reinforce our emotions). So, not only do most leave happier with their overall appearance, but they also are happier due to their enhanced emotional expressions.


Onset and duration:

The full effect of Botox can be seen in two weeks after injection and it usually lasts from 3 to 4 months